How To Fix A Faulty Sound Output On Mac

It doesn’t matter if you are relying on external audio setup - using a usb c hub hdmi or wireless connection - or using your Mac’s internal speakers. It can be a very unsettling experience when the sound system refuses to function properly. In some cases, you can find that the problem is as simple as forgetting to unmute the speakers. Or maybe you haven’t downloaded the latest software update. Or perhaps there is a build up of dust in your auxiliary port. Either way, most of these fixes are simple to implement. However, in some cases, there can be serious issues that a straightforward fix can’t solve. As a result, we have decided to put together a short guide on how best you can solve these prevalent sound problems and get back to your music listening or video watching session quickly.


But before we dive into that, if you are someone who spends majority of their time stuck staring at their screen, then you should consider investing in a laptop stand. This is especially applicable for those involved in music production or video editing, as the constant need to hunchback while using your Mac every day can cause a number of health problems. These include; eyestrain, back and neck pain, which can eventually lead to poor posture. However, if you add a laptop stand to your workstation, you will be more comfortable while working or watching videos. Plus, you can adjust the screen angle easily, improve the fan's airflow, boost productivity, among many other benefits.


Why Is The Sound Not Working?


Whenever your sound system isn’t responding, the first place that you should head to is the Sound > Output section. This is conveniently located in your System Preferences. From there, you can easily check to confirm which speaker output source you are set on. It’s possible that your internal speakers aren’t working, because the output is fixed on to an external device eg. monitor or speaker. Those normally come with their own volume controls, which could either be turned down or faulty. In such cases, most users use a usb c hub hdmi displayport to view video and audio on that external device. However, when there is no sound, you can then just switch the output source to your internal Mac’s speakers or another external audio device instead. If everything starts to work again, then that may prove that there is a problem with the first external audio device.




Sound Not Functioning Over Wireless Connection


It’s no secret that wireless Bluetooth connectivity often has its glitches and is yet to be a perfect technology feature. Even after completing a successful Bluetooth pairing, the sound output may still be unstable and be quite frustrating to deal with. This can result in a faulty sound output between your Mac and headphones, for example. However, there are some solutions you can implement. For instance, you can utilize a third-party app such as; ToothFairy. It is a software program that allows you to efficiently pair your external devices to your Mac more quickly and effectively, over a wireless connection.


Possible Malware Infection

While most sound issues have a simple solution, there is a possibility that a malware infection may be the reason why your sound output is behaving abnormally. This can happen if you have been connecting your Mac to multiple devices regularly using a 100w usb-c cable, for instance. The constant file transfer speeds that these accessories provide are usually very fast, useful and efficient. However, if you aren’t careful, you could end up connecting to an external device that may have files that are infected by malware or viruses. This in turn, could be the cause of your sound issue.


In such cases, being able to pinpoint the problem will prove very difficult, which is where a third-party application like CleanMyMacX comes in. This is a very useful and reliable system cleanup tool that will scan your macBook for any potential viruses or malware and delete them instantly.  There are also many other malware scanners that you can choose from online. So, you can take your time to find one that suits you, if this one is not to your liking.


Conduct A Hardware Diagnostics Scan


Another alternative option is to conduct an entire diagnostics scan on your mac to check and see if there is any hardware damage that could be causing the sound output failure. You can easily accomplish this by shutting down your Mac then restarting it. While this happens, make sure that you hold down the D button, until a language prompt pops up, then simply follow the instructions. Your Mac will carry out a though diagnostic scan and indicate any problems that your device may be experiencing.




The sound issues are problems that many Mac users are not unfamiliar to experiencing despite them being rare. However, the good news is that we have listed a few working solutions, that you can take to fix such audio problems. Plus, if these suggestions don’t work, then a simple reboot of your Mac should solve the problem. However, if you have tried everything and your Mac’s sound output is still disabled, then make sure to visit your nearest repair store. They will conduct a full diagnostic of your hardware and software to pinpoint the problem and replace any damaged parts, if necessary.


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